lørdag 19. desember 2009
tirsdag 1. desember 2009
onsdag 25. november 2009
Åpning av MONKIbutikken i Bogstadveien 4
Turorienteringsmester Sara Martin forteller om sine opplevelser med tropisk brus og krydderkake i orienteringsverden! Det er nydelig synes jeg!
Er det åpning av butikk så må man ha underholdning, og det fikk vi i form av stylist Sara Martin. Et bra støkke kvinnfolk. Stylist Eirik Mogseth og jeg hadde en fortreffelig seanse med henne! Kvelden var i det heletatt veldig bra! Masse kjentfolk, kule klær og god drikke. Bergen burde glede seg til i kveld!
Er det åpning av butikk så må man ha underholdning, og det fikk vi i form av stylist Sara Martin. Et bra støkke kvinnfolk. Stylist Eirik Mogseth og jeg hadde en fortreffelig seanse med henne! Kvelden var i det heletatt veldig bra! Masse kjentfolk, kule klær og god drikke. Bergen burde glede seg til i kveld!
Eirik Mogseth,
Sara Martin
lørdag 21. november 2009
Festlig på No. 15
Here i am med Marion ravn avslutter middagen og showet. Nå er alle prisene delt ut og folk er glade. Gaver og premier er fantastiske, så nå er det fryd og gammen! Det blir fest herfra og ut!
Kommentar i etterkant:
Jeg er veldig glad for at klokken aldri blir halv to for meg, sånn at jeg aldri får gått hjem. Kom meg i seng kl. 05.00 og opp kl. 10! Vi hadde nemlig fotoshoot på søndag, og bildene ble knall! Men jeg var veldig sliten på mandag. Guri malla.
Kommentar i etterkant:
Jeg er veldig glad for at klokken aldri blir halv to for meg, sånn at jeg aldri får gått hjem. Kom meg i seng kl. 05.00 og opp kl. 10! Vi hadde nemlig fotoshoot på søndag, og bildene ble knall! Men jeg var veldig sliten på mandag. Guri malla.
Fashion julebord,
Nå er det award-show og utdeling av priser for beste sko, hår, make-up, antrekk og så videre:) Stay tuned for fun fun fun!
prisene gikk til forskjellige som fortjente det!
Beste hår
Beste Make-up
Beste Accessoir - Marcus Andre Green
Beste antrekk dame Mariann Urnes og herre Nicolay Schaanning Larsen.
Fine folk på en fin kveld
prisene gikk til forskjellige som fortjente det!
Beste hår
Beste Make-up
Beste Accessoir - Marcus Andre Green
Beste antrekk dame Mariann Urnes og herre Nicolay Schaanning Larsen.
Fine folk på en fin kveld
Fashion julebord
Multimedia message
Marion må også kose seg på julebord ! Kan ikke bare jobbe!
Tore og Jama haddde gjort en god jobb med maten. Jeg fikk kalv og litt av Michelle sin kveite. Alle ble derfor mette og glade.
Tore og Jama haddde gjort en god jobb med maten. Jeg fikk kalv og litt av Michelle sin kveite. Alle ble derfor mette og glade.
Julebord på No. 15
Første rett på årets Fashion-julebord på No. 15 er inntatt, hvitvin i glasset og Marion Ravn synger julesanger. Merker at det er trivsel lang vei...
Fashion julebord,
Marion Ravn
torsdag 12. november 2009
A crazy weekend is coming up!

To night the fun fun fun weekend is starting with the opening of the worlds third ICEBAR by ICEHOTEL is opening in Oslo!
I will post pictures later! Looking forward to see the fantastic show in Kristian VI street #12 tonight!

icebar Oslo,
tirsdag 10. november 2009
Gothenburg by day!
søndag 8. november 2009
Things happen.
People change, and people choose. Different things.
We all want stuff. Some more than others, but we all have wants and needs.
Some of us want things and stuff, and some wants a new job, a new apartment, love or excitement.
I truly don't know what I want. That I want something more for my self is very clare to me, but I can't seem to find the right answer.
I have great friends, a good and interesting job, ok income and a happening life. I guess some people are jealous of the things I do, and others think I'm living a lie. My family loves me, and I them. I even take part of my nearest friends family life. I love them and are welcomed in to them.
I find my self wanting changes for my self that would mean a great deal for me and the life I'm living.
Could I go back to school ?
Should I move abroad?
Would I make it?
Karl Petter,
mandag 2. november 2009
Colors and others...
Prêt á Porter
torsdag 29. oktober 2009
Linn Renée Blegeberg
Designer Linn Renée Blegeberg styled by Tommy Loeland for Polhem PR
Summer collection 2010 by Linn Renée Blegeberg
It was a fantastic display. Linn goes Alice!
Linn Renée Blegeberg,
Polhem PR
Internet action
This little thing called world wide web is big. They didn't think it would last, but it seem to do so. It is even taking an incredible hard grip of our life.
Two days ago we lost the connection to the net some time during the day. Everyone at the office stopped working. Because the didn't know how to continue.
Everyone left the office at 3 O'clock.
How can we work with no internet connection?
I am a young adult, living in the 21st century. I have my fantastic Mac, and iPhone. I love them both because I use the all day, and they are even beautiful. I'm always reachable for anyone. Call me day or night, and I'll most likely answer. Send me an e-mail, and you'll have my reply within minutes. I have profiles at Facebook and Twitter, work AND private. I have Iqons.com-profile, a blog, 5 different e-mail addresses for different purposes, gaysir-profile, Netcom.no- profile. My banks send me messages in the internet bank-profiles, the government has a whole domain called Norge.no, where I can find information about me and my situation.
It's really crazy to think about it.
What did they do before everything got digitalized?
When we got to work the next day, the internet connection still wasn't working, so every one had a cup of coffee. Someone made a phone-call to the internet company, and we were tolk it would work within a short while. We continued drinking coffee and soon started up our computers.
Finally it was up and running, and the work day could start.
What would happen to the world if the Y2K-prophesies happened now, and all computers would collapse??
søndag 28. juni 2009
Vis meg skapet ditt så skal jeg fortelle deg hvem du er!
mandag 8. juni 2009
søndag 24. mai 2009
Floralis in the spring!
17th of May was celebrated in these surroundings
This spring I've been very obsessed with flowers, so here
are some of the latest captures!
This is the back yard of The Bank of Melhus
My mothers home
Blommor blommor
søndag 3. mai 2009
mandag 20. april 2009
When the days are a tad grey, just get out in grandma-style and surf!
This is Teenah showing us how to color up your day!
Tina på tur
mandag 13. april 2009
lørdag 4. april 2009
mandag 30. mars 2009
What I´ve been up too lately!

My little sister in the tutu I made for her to wear at my fantastic birthday-party some time a go! She looked fantastic and we had a super night!
lørdag 28. mars 2009
The way of today!
It´s in the middle of the night and even so, I´m wide awake and becoming a member of some internet gadget-society. Twitter is supposed to be the new something on the web, so let´s check it out.
The list is getting quite long though, so I have a hard time remembering to visit all the pages, profiles and communities online. I guess it will come with time.
So far the list is like this:
And now it´s
www.twitter.com/karlpwikstrom as well...
søndag 1. februar 2009
In days of total crisis, let´s look at a few things that makes us happy!

Even though this isn´t Chanel´s best collection over time, by far, the head-pieces is a nice twist.
Finally something that looks like Haute Couture !
One that never seems to forget what´s hot & what´s not, is Magnificent Dior!

It works like a charm every time. We have seen it before, but it never stop to amaze me!
lørdag 31. januar 2009
Haute Couture
Yohji Yamamoto A/W-09

fantastic as this. Layered in smokey colors and heavy knit! And the models
fredag 30. januar 2009
Dior Haute Couture!

The way this dress makes me feel, I´s no wonder people
became crazy when it first was shown.
I really think it looks perfect!
torsdag 29. januar 2009
Oslo Fashion Fair

Exhibitors from all over are coming, 65 of them, and almost 200 brands.
There will be fashion shows, art-exhibitions and competitions!
Something for everyone, open for everyone, because everyone will be there!
Oslo Fashion Fair
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